Scandent Learning provides learning support for all students and parents. We offer customized tutoring, educational consulting, and support for students in schools, distance learning, and homeschooling. We are happy to assist you, whether it’s with developing your personal educational plan, applying to colleges, getting through a challenging course, or filling the gaps in your learning that your school might not be able to address. We offer a secular, progressive educational focus.
Tutoring/Private Teaching
- Expert teachers with many years of classroom experience
- Kind, supportive, strengths-based approach
- Wide range of subjects available
- For more information
Facilitated Homeschooling
- Support for full and part-time homeschoolers
- Accredited diploma programs available
- Guidance, coaching, and accountability
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Educational Consulting
- Support for parents and families
- Help selecting and implementing your curriculum
- Coaching for designing your own educational program
- NEW: Limited Number of Free Consultations Available
We invite you to learn more details about our offerings. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact us.